I Am The Majority:
Have you got a Bull Breed and live in the UK? DDA Watch has launced the “I am the MAJORITY” Campaign (with kind permission of Animal Farm Foundation Inc).
As scientific study and research continues to prove that “bull breed” dogs are just like any other dog, we’re now facing a different, equally challenging, hurdle: proving that “bull breed” dog owners are just like any other dog owner.
Why is it so important that we make this point? Because the false belief that only criminals and irresponsible people want “bull breed” dogs leads to restricted adoption policies, breed specific legislation, and other discriminatory policies.
From our government and rescue shelter policy makers to the media and strangers in the supermarket, the stereotype is that “good” people don’t live with “bull breed” dogs. We know this isn’t true.
In fact, we know that dogs labelled “devil dogs” are one of the most popular breeds in this country, overwhelmingly owned by normal, everyday families who have value in their community. And we no longer want to be discriminated against because of the actions of a small minority of dog owners.
Now we need your help to show that “bull breed” dog owners are everyday people and we are the majority.
Help us spread the message that responsible, loving families who live with “bull breed” dogs are the rule, not the exception. DDA Watch is shining a spotlight on the millions of everyday “bull breed” dog families in a variety of ways.
Here’s how you can help:
1. Copy, paste and print the sign in the at the bottom of this page as an A4 poster (to save: right click, save as). Alternatively you may write the wording onto an A4 sheet.
2. In the blank spot, fill in a word that describes your valued role in your community or in your family. For example: I am a Mother, Student, Bus Driver, Business Owner, Tax Payer, Husband, Volunteer, Teacher, Voter, Sports Coach, Homeowner, Grandma, Mentor, etc. Be sure to write this clearly – use a fat marker pen – and keep it simple.
One or two words will do! The point is to remind others that you make a positive contribution at home or in the wider world (examples below).
3. Hold up the poster, and have your photo taken. You could have your photo taken at your place of work, if you have permission and wish to. If there are multiple people in your photo – such as other family members – have each individual hold up their own, personalized poster. But NO dogs please.
4. Upload your best photo to the DDA Watch facebook page or email it to ddawatch@gmail.com and we will add you picture to the I am the Majority album.
HAVE YOU GOT A SPECIAL EVENT COMING UP? - Your upcoming event is a great time to ask a diverse crowd of people to participate in this perception-shifting campaign! Please consider printing out a stack of posters and participating in this photo project.
The more the merrier! You can view the current pictures here:
Thank you everyone!
Please bear in mind that by sending us your photo, you agree to allow DDA Watch the right to use it in future materials, such as videos, posters, and social media sites.

DDA Watch Ltd is a not-for-profit company, registered in England & Wales, registration number 7393352.
Care has been taken to ensure that our information is correct. The information and advice given by DDA Watch is for general purposes and is intended for guidance only, it does not constitute legal advice. The information and opinions expressed should not be relied on or used as a substitute for legal advice, if you require details concerning your rights, legal advice or find yourself affected by legislation it is recommended that you seek professional legal advice.
Information given is for England and Wales only. Legislation in Scotland and N.Ireland may differ.