Help us to keep up the pressure to repeal BSL.
DDA Watch encourages its supporters to write to their local MP and government ministers: you can help create awareness and support a change to breed neutral dog law.
Join DDA Watch's email and letter campaign and keep the issue of BSL in the mind of the policy makers and politicians, seek their views and opinion on breed specific legislation, keep raising the issue and ask them to respond to you.
Petitions are useful vehicles for conveying large-scale public opinion to governments and personal letters (and emails) are much needed.
You can write your own letter or use our template letters for ideas or in full - fill in the name and address of your local MP or government minister and send your letter to them direct.
Please keep correspondence polite and factual and remember to include your name and address so that your MP knows you are one of their constituents.

If you’re a dog owner in the UK the Dangerous Dogs Act applies to you in some way or another.
You can write your own letter or download our letter template, fill in the name and address of your local MP and send the letter to them direct.
It may also be possible to email your MP in which case please edit the letter appropriately and paste its content into an email.
Writing to Your MP - DDA Watch Guide & Information
Our template MP letter - End BSL
Find your local MP's contact details

Send your views and opinions to:
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - The Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP. Defra, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3JR
Robbie Douglas-Miller OBE, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Biosecurity, Animal Health and Welfare)

The Rt Hon James Cleverly MP, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF

Rishi Sunak, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
Email Number 10: https://email.number10.gov.uk/
Twitter and Instagram - @10DowningStreet

DDA Watch Ltd is a not-for-profit company, registered in England & Wales, registration number 7393352.
Care has been taken to ensure that our information is correct. The information and advice given by DDA Watch is for general purposes and is intended for guidance only, it does not constitute legal advice. The information and opinions expressed should not be relied on or used as a substitute for legal advice, if you require details concerning your rights, legal advice or find yourself affected by legislation it is recommended that you seek professional legal advice.
Information given is for England and Wales only. Legislation in Scotland and N.Ireland may differ.